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Matthew and Craig have been wonderful in assisting me in my financial planning avenues. In the last seven years they have steered me in the right direction in my current and future investments. All I can say they both have been with me every step of the way.
Matthew was very kind and knowledgeable. He took his time in answering my questions to make sure I fully understood. We talked a little about our personal lives which I loved because it made me feel he cared and wanted to know about me as a person and it wasn’t all just business with him. I’m very glad we met.
When I really took the time to listen to Matthew at his presentation I had a very good vibe from him. I knew he was going to be the one that I trust to be there for me and my family. I will let others know that I have no doubt. I would recommend to others.
We specialize when it comes to serving people with their personal finance, retirement income streams and saving for their future & retirement while Eliminating Risk, Fees & Taxes, which we call the (ERFT Rule). We’re the best in our industry to help people create and implement a plan that gives them safe investments for retirement for immediate results and protection.
Is Tax-Free Access a real thing?
Who said Uncle Sam has to be your financial partner in your journey through life? Money has zero emotions or feelings. It simply behaves based on the tax codes it’s governed by. Depending on which financial instruments you choose to park your money in, this solely dictates the way your money grows and especially how you are able to access it. If you’re not in the know as to how this works, it’s not necessarily your fault because most people are often blindly guided to enroll with financial instruments through their advisors and even from their employers. This is all without any knowledge of its risks, restrictions, penalties and tax consequences. Tax-Free access to your hard earned money is not anything new, especially if you’ve already been well educated like many in the top 1% of society. It’s not always about how much you can earn, it’s about how much net spendable money you can keep!
Why are Living Benefits so important?
Has anyone ever taught you how to insure your money while you’re alive? Many plan for what they may leave to their loved ones upon death, but unfortunately the vast majority will face financial hardships long before this event due to chronic and critical diseases such as heart attacks, stroke, cancer and other debilitating health issues. For example, someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds and is the leading cause of death in the U.S. – ( Over $219B will be spent in the U.S. for just heart related diseases. Cancer related costs are rising rapidly from $150B since 2018 each year as well. – ( Most people will simply drain their own assets, ie, (home equity, savings, retirement accounts, college savings, etc.) to pay for such costs. You can say goodbye to any future financial plans or retirement funds if this is the reality. Acquiring living benefits is a must these days in order to protect your income during your working years. Learning how to add a valuable and accessible bucket of resources to your life will give you the greatest peace of mind. There is no longer the need to dive into your own assets to account for such necessary benefits.
How can I have Tax-Free Growth?
There’s a difference between the way the 99% plan and invest versus the top 1% of people in the world. These strategies are not new and have been utilized by the well informed and typically the top 1% of income earners in the U.S. You don’t have to be wealthy or privileged to learn and apply the same strategies and plans that will give you the financial advantage you wish you knew much earlier in life. Unfortunately many advisors and wealth managers don’t enlighten the masses on these types of growth strategies because it’s either not what they specialize in, have licenses for and usually are not financially incentivized to inform you about. Therefore you believe that their help is necessary while the reality is that their fees are massively eroding your investment and retirement income, easily erasing at least 10 years of income from your retirement.
Contact us to set up an initial consultation to discuss your financial goals and needs.
When it comes to accessing your hard earned money, you want it to pass the liquidity test as well. Many don’t realize that you don’t have to lock your funds in “money jail” for a lengthy period of time or wait until age 59.5 in order to access your money without steep penalties. Remember, your money is not trying to avoid you. It’s simply behaving based on the financial instrument it’s sitting in. In the world of investing and financial planning, so many individuals are not guided with such options because unfortunately people have been taught to park their money in instruments that are only governed by such restrictions and penalties to access your own money. The concept of being able to grow your funds Tax-Free, Access it Tax-Free and do so WITHOUT any age limitations, restrictions or penalties is not a new concept. Being guided or consulted by a Specialist in this regard is critical. Not all financial professionals are created equal. It really does matter who is guiding you down your financial path.
Tell me more how having Guarantee to Principal
Never worry about market volatility again. Understanding that protecting your hard earned money is as important, if not even more important than choosing the right financial strategy. It is virtually impossible to predict the future performance of any investment, but you should never lose money along the way. Planning for your future and retirement must be built on certainty and not uncertainty. It is a huge misconception that you need to take risk when it comes to investing in your retirement and financial future. Always protect your principal with a Guarantee floor, safeguarding your funds from risk. This has become the New Normal. As Warren Buffet states, – “Rule #1 – Don’t lose money. Rule #2 – Don’t forget rule #1.”
What is the best way to Transfer An Inheritance?
At some point in our lives, we will be faced with the inevitable event of passing away. Ensuring the legacy of your family is some- thing that should always be given its due attention. Many don’t want to think about our mortality, but when you put plans in place that take away any stress of you having to worry about all those “what if” scenarios, then you can feel confident living life knowing that you were prepared to carry on your legacy. Leaving a legacy to your loved ones is something often overlooked because there is a huge misconception that this type of planning is only reserved for the wealthy. This is so far from the truth and knowing how to prepare for your passing will give your loved ones, kids and future generations to come, something they can feel proud of because you did not procrastinate in making sound financial decisions now that will impact your legacy forever. Leaving a legacy is a necessary priority, but also knowing how to transfer a legacy Tax-Free is something you can absolutely control.
Him and his team have helped high school students, young married couples and baby boomers just like you reallocate contributions from the old way of saving (stock market) to the new way of saving (indexing).
His main objective is to help more people get access to tax-free savings tools that can COMPLETELY ELIMINATE Themselves From RISK, Volatility, FEES & TAXES, so they can AVOID being “Sheep Herded” like 99% of the Population.
When he’s not helping active savers, you can find him at the concert, traveling or painting with friends.
In order to learn more about the Retirement Exit Strategy and if we can help
you, fill your application and book your call today!